Now I know this foundation has been showing up on everyones Bloglovin' feed and YouTube subscription boxes...but there's a good reason for that! This foundation is INCREDIBLE.
It is a medium to full coverage foundation that truly looks like skin. It is so great! You can still see my freckles peeking through yet any redness from blemishes are totally covered. This foundation is a genius. It has a beautiful skin like natural finish that sits really well with my combination skin type. I do get a tad bit shiny around the 5.5-6 hour mark and I have even noticed that along my nose the foundation wears off, something that I've never experienced before with a foundation. I do like to use a glowing primer underneath so I'm sure if I had used a mattifying primer instead, I wouldn't have that issue.
If you are interested in hearing more about my thoughts on the Too Faced Born This Way foundation and what it looks like on this pale gal, then click right HERE.
Much love!