Face of the Day - YSL, Naked 3, Tarte, bareMinerals

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I just uploaded a video to my YouTube channel for this "Face of the Day" look, which really was me just getting ready and turning the camera on to film what I used for today!
All the products are listed in the video which you can watch by clicking HERE.

You can tell I'm very much a natural makeup kind of gal, as you can see all my freckles even though I'm wearing foundation! I also don't mind my blemishes peeking through as I like to keep it real (ya know?) but if that bothers you then wear your favourite foundation & concealer - as long as you're feeling beautiful!

Hope you enjoy and please subscribe to my channel!

Thank you for watching!
xo Kyra.

---- twitter: @kyrasbeautybag
---- instagram: kyrasbeautybag
---- youtube: kcrisppp


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